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Happy Canada Day! Welcome to my stop!

Author Lisa Emme has invited me to do the Crazy Canuck Blog Hop, and all participants have invited YOU to win bookish prizes. Keep rolling through our blogs to win!

Grand prize: $50 Amazon gift card!

Prize this stop: 

I am giving away a paperback copy of “A Mirror Among Shattered Glass” for USA and Canada residents! It is my debut novel that came out on June 4th, and book two is on its way at the end of this year!

It’s been two decades since an attempt to eradicate the supernatural forces in the city under the guise of understanding them began, and about seven since it ended in chaos.

After their escape, four twentysomething housemates try to learn what being human means, as the hidden part of the city starts to rebuild itself, and they must open their world up to a daft American girl with a dark secret, and potential for their cause.


Canada Day, Canadian Slang!

I write about the Supernatural London Underground, an urban fantasy book series, and here is a secret… my favorite character ever is Canadian (and in my next series, so I am trying so hard not to start writing until the SLU is finalized!) ! So what will I have to do? Just like every place I write about, I will have to go to Canada to gain some inspiration. Since this character is in my next series, I think it would be great to look up some Canadian slang to get me started for my trip.

I grabbed the first search result from Wikihow. Let’s see that we have with great SEO settings here:

  • Eh? – Used at the end of a sentence, this expression generally means, “Don’t you agree?” That movie was great, eh?

Thoughts: Don’t we always spell is “Ay” in America when we try to be Canadian? It might be time to break out some Canadian subtitles to see how spelling works up there.

  • Book off work – To take off time from work.[1]I’m going to book off work next week.
  • Write a test – To take a test. I’m writing a test today in English.

Thoughts: I like “write a test”, because when i “take tests” I grade them myself before I hand them in. Just did that with a state license exam the other day, actually. I understand, Canadians.

  • Poutine – A delicious Canadian dish made from French fries, squeaky cheese curds, and gravy. This poutine is amazing!

Thoughts: Squeaky cheese? There will be more googling involved.

Thank you Wisconsin, USA, and Speed Eats!

  • Double-double – A phrase that’s said when ordering a coffee with two creams and two sugars. I could really use a double-double right now.

Thoughts: If you’ve read anything by me, you know I don’t mess around with cream and sugar. My characters drink black coffee. (Perhaps this new one will be drinking a double-double!)

  • Loonie– A Canadian one-dollar coin. Can you lend me a loonie?
  • Back-bacon – Known in America as “Canadian bacon”or thinly sliced and cured strips of ham.[2]I eat eggs and back-bacon for breakfast every day. 
  • Washroom – Bathroom or toilet. Where’s your washroom?
  • Runners – Trainers or sneakers. I wear runners when I exercise.
  • Housecoat – A bathrobe. Where’s my housecoat when I need it?
  • Toque – Pronounced “took,” this word refers to a ski cap or wool hat.[3]It’s too hot outside for a toque.

And now to really trip you up…

Regional differences.

Atlantic Provinces:

  • Caper – A person from Cape Breton Island. My boyfriend’s a caper.

Thoughts: I’m thinking of a salad here.

  • Hollywood North – Another word for Toronto, as this city is known for its film production. I’m heading to Hollywood North this weekend for the film festival.

Thoughts: I’m surprised I didn’t know that one since it’s based on something that started in America. That is an interesting way to put it.

  • The Rock – An endearing term for Newfoundland. I’m going back to the Rock for Christmas.
  • Maritimer – A person from the Atlantic Provinces.[6]Everyone in my extended family is a Maritimer.

Central Canada:

  • Serviette – The French word for “napkin,” this word is commonly used by French and English speakers alike. May I have a serviette, please?

Thoughts: I took 5 years of Spanish, 2 of Latin, and 1 in French, in which Gary from french class asked me out and Jessica gave me way to much information about her personal life. I’d love to incorporate French into my character’s dialouge!

  • Jam buster – A jelly-filled doughnut. I’d like a jam buster, please.
  • Takitish – Conversationally used to mean “take it easy,” or “see you later.” Takitish, John!

Thoughts: This phrase reminds me of American English the most, because we combine words and slur them all crazy. It reminds me of how “today” is “taday” and “water” is “wader”.

  • Lines – Small old country roads, usually dating back to the Colonial era. Which line should I take back to the farm?

Thoughts: Of course this one reminds me of the subway and tube stations in Manhattan and London.

Prairie Provinces:

  • Gitch – Also called “gotch,” this expression refers to men or women’s underwear.It’s laundry day; time to wash my gitch.
  • Kitty-corner – Caddy-corner, or diagonally across from something else. The drugstore is kitty-cornered to the movie theater.
  • Hey – Used instead of “eh” in the Prairies, asking for agreement. That was a great dinner, hey?
  • Bunny-hug – A hooded sweater.[9]I love your new bunny-hug!

British Columbia

  • Squatch – A large, hairy, unkept man. If you don’t start shaving and showering more you’ll look like a squatch.

Thoughts: Awwww, that’s like what i call my husband’s “goat beard”!

  • Terminal City – Another name for Vancouver, BC. I’m headed to Terminal City, wish me luck!
  • Whale’s Tail – Also called Beaver Tail or Elephant ear, this dessert is made from fried dough, lemon juice, and cinnamon sugar.[10]This Whale’s Tail is delicious!

Thoughts: “elephant ears” made it to us, and are a common food for traveling fairs.

Northern Provinces

  • Masi – Thank you, from the French word “Merci.” Masi! Have a good night.

Thoughts: That might trip me up!

  • Twofer – Also called two-four, this term refers to a case of 24 beers. Let’s pick up a twofer for the party tonight!
  • Mucking down – Shoveling food into your mouth. Stop mucking down and get dressed, we’re late!

The site I referred to encourages me to watch movies and read magazines from Toronto to get familiar with Canadian slang. If any of these are rarely used, feel free to let me know!

Prize time:

Grand prize $50 Amazon Gift Card (multiple entries available!)

Win a signed copy of “A Mirror Among Shattered Glass”

If you’re an ebook reader, “Mirror” is only 2.99 on sale this week! Read the book blurb by clicking below!